May 28, 2011

NEWS: At Least Half of Human Genes are Complex and Finely-Tuned

More than half of your DNA is devoted to regulating how the genes that make proteins -- the workhorses of the cells -- carry out their tasks, said Dr. Bert O'Malley . . . These coregulators -- coactivators and corepressors -- control how and to what degree genes are turned on or off as well as when they are active and for how long. The more than 11,000 coregulators identified . . . form and act in approximately 3,000 multi-protein complexes that function in the human cell. . . .

They expected to find about 500 genes for directing the synthesis of coregulators and, instead, identified more than 11,000.

"The regulation of gene expression is complex," O'Malley said. "It is critical that genes turn on at the right time, in the exact right amount and under the right condition. If a gene makes 10 percent too much or too little of a protein, then the person develops a disease or functions poorly."

"It's all about accurate regulation and combinatorial regulation," he said. "Many hundreds of genes must be regulated together at precisely the same time. The cell is a master at that. Every gene has to function perfectly for a cell to work correctly -- and the coregulators make it happen. It is one of the most amazing events biologists have discovered -- beautifully complex and fine-tuned."
(emphasis mine)

If you read the article, you'll not see how this complexity evolved or even speculation about how it could have happened accidently. The bolded portions above which I've marked  are most enlightening. "Complex", "fine-tuned", "critical", and "surprise" which is in the main article are not words that are readily embraced by naturalistic evolutionists who want to proclaim "chance", "random", "accident", and "predictable" all in one breath. The fact that half of the genetic code is clearly complex and finely-tuned shouts out that there was an intelligent Designer and we're talking a Supreme Intelligence that is far beyond our intellect.

Now, naturalistic evolutionists claim that evolution does not I repeat, does not tend towards complexity. Thus, logically, naturalistic evolution can not explain how this complexity came to be. It was an accident? Try to say that with a straight face. Read the whole article and try to see how an "accident" can fit in there at all. True, I'm asking you to follow intuition here, and intuition isn't always accurate, but also think about it and how improbable it would be for it to all happen by random mutations and natural selection, etc.

Finally, I want to make a prediction. I predict that most animals (if not all) have similar genetic codes, comprising nearly 50% of their genes, that produce similar coregulators and that are equally complex and finely tuned. If all life is bursting with such complexity and fine-tuning, then Darwinian evolution is toast.

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